A black and white logo for solid creative dot media.

What you're doing matters.

The world needs to know about it.

Branding that changes the world.

Your brand is the voice of your organization when you're not speaking. It tells people "We're here to help, or "This is worth investing in." At SCDM we are immersed in the world of non-profits, churches, and para-church organizations. We're confident we can find a way to parter with you that fits your message and your budget.

Step 1

A white background with a few lines on it

The Brand Dive is an in-depth conversation where we will get to know everything about your organization: who you are, what you do, why you do it. We’ll walk you through your brand transformation opportunities, and what steps you’ll need to take to make it happen.

Then you can do it on your own or hire us to take care of it for you. The cost of the Brand Dive is applied to the full project if you move forward.

schedule a fit call

Step 2

A white background with a few lines on it

After your BrandDive session reveals what makes your brand unique, we show the world how great your organization is with world-changing design, branding and logos to tell your story and help you connect the people you serve.

BrandCamp is a two day intensive where our team executes your entire brand from developing the strategy & message through designing and building a website, and gets you out there connecting with your people the right away.

schedule a fit call

How BrandCamp Works

Schedule a 15 min call for us to hear about your project and see if we're a good fit.

Schedule Your Call
Book Your BrandDive

Jump in with a 90 min phone call and an in-depth interview to help you create a road-map to a world-changing brand. Choose a date, and get ready to make your brand work for you.

Do Your Homework

Fill out the background questionnaire and upload all your current assets.

Brand Camp Intensive

Set aside a few hours to work through some important questions about your brand and walk away with a new direction, clarified language and visual assets that will help you connect with your target audience.

Check out some of our work below:

Websites we've built:

Still have questions? Let's get in touch.

Submit your request and we'll  get back to you soon

with our very best quote.

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